Taihu county party secretary cheng inspected ANHUI LASUN COMMUNICATION CO.,LTD.

CreateDate:2018-12-13  Hits:

On theafternoon of December 12, 2018, Cheng Zhixiang, secretary of Taihu county partycommittee, visited ANHUI LASUN COMMUNICATION CO.,LTD. During the inspection, secretary Chenginquired about the company's business situation this year, the prospect of nextyear and the second-phase construction plan.

Theon-site responsible personnel of the company reported to secretary Cheng thatthe company had achieved the performance of doubling compared with last yearthis year and planned to achieve the goal of doubling again next year. Theconstruction of the second phase will also start next year.

SecretaryCheng was very positive that the company could achieve double growth this year,and encouraged the company to speed up the second phase of the constructionprocess, focusing on international and domestic market development, technologydevelopment, product quality, the company to do better and stronger, next yearto a higher level.

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